Happy Muthafu*kin Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

I took this opportunity to whip-up a slow jam just for you guys (awwwww.....).  Check it out, and as always, please leave comments, and subscribe to the blog!

I tried to make this beat hit harder by starting off with a simple piano section.  It really makes the beat pop once it jumps in.  Kinda interesting how the chords and chord progressions are the same, but the effect is completely different just cuz of the instrumentation.  I really tried to use large  sounds that would give a sense of space.

This was a milestone beat for me since it's the first one where I included a complete piano ballad section.  As part of my efforts to up my game, I've recently been putting work into understanding and playing piano.  When I was a kid, I took about 6 piano lessons and decided it was taking too much time away from my Voltron play time.  Decades later, I'm regretting it.  But maybe I'm only saying that now cuz I no longer have my Voltron.  

I'm always reading up on other producers to get more knowledge about the game, and recently I read an interview of super producer Bryan Cox.  He said that he always starts everything at the piano and fleshes it out from there.  I took the advice and here's the first result of that.


Anonymous said...

sick beat. wish i had it at the airport, eating that packaged sandwich all alone.

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