I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my blog before, but my band blacKMahal was invited to perform at the Olympics in Vancouver. It's only been a couple days, but so much stuff has been goin on, it's really difficult to organize my thoughts in a cohesive manner. So I'm taking the easy way out. Just gonna post some random bullet points instead. I'm here until Sunday, so if you're peepin this beforehand, I'll be updating this as I go.
- Playing at such a major event still doesn't make getting to the airport at 5:30AM easy.
- If you blacked out and woke up in Vancouver, it would take you a while to figure out that you're in another country.
- Canadians are the nicest people in the world, except when they're drunk. Then they're the second nicest people in the world.
- Don't fuck with the Hell's Angels
- Red Truck Lager: a new favorite
- The broadway renditions of blacKMahal songs aren't that bad!
- It's awesome having your own suite
- It's more awesome to be faced with this dilemma when you enter your own suite: What do I turn on first? The lights or the fireplace?
- If you blacked out and woke up in Vancouver, there's 90% chance you'll wake up with a starbucks right in front of you. 10% chance you'll wake up with a starbucks right behind you.
- Last time I broke in brand spankin new DJ equipment was about 14 years ago. These feel damn nice.
- Got full blown winded running to the last row of seats
- blacKMahal dance troupe? I could get used to this.
- It's even more awesomer to turn off the fireplace, leave your own suite to go the women's figure skating medal event, seeing your country DESTROY the competition, setting a world-record, and winning your country's first gold medal in that event. All while you're sitting behind a full row of your country's rivals and biggest competition.
- Tim Horton donuts are poorman's Krispy Kreme.
- Tim Horton coffee are poorman's Dunkin Donuts coffee.
- Had the best toast and butter I've ever had in my life.
- Never knew Canadians were so prideful. Literally 90% of the population here are wearing shirts with some kind of "Go Canada" print on them.
- SF Gate finally showing some blacKMahal love.
- WTF is up with required coat check?
- Have confirmation that my racist Chinese accent is still funny outside of US borders.
- My (platonic) love for Korea's figure skating gold medalist, Yu-na Kim, has been well documented by the global press, as you can see in paragraph 4 here.
- The dressing rooms at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre remind me of my summer school class rooms at Faye Ross jr high.
- So many different accents here.
- Never thought I'd walk into a bar that's just about to explode cuz of a women's hockey game.
- A cafe with the name "Amsterdam" is probably what you think.
- Such a tease to be this close to Whistler and not be able to snowboard there.